I'm always grateful for fellowship
Motioning to the bike man to stop along the road path, I highlighted from the smoke puffing machine, paid the fare and briskly walked towards the side entrance of the chapel. I usually take to trekking the distance but I had already missed Sunday school and wasn't ready to come late for the main service.
Olaoluwa had texted to know my whereabout, not that he cared how I spend my Sunday mornings, but I was with the laptop needed by his Media teammates. He cares generally by the way.
I made a quick visit to the lavatory so I could clean off the dust on my shoes, perhaps make any adjustments to my outfit;
Oxblood senator with a ball pen fitted to the breast pocket;
Black leather shoes, polished to Kiwi standard;
And a mix of perfumes which I would not disclose for the sake of mystery. Never to be caught unfresh.
Back to the chapel where I was welcomed with such bright smile by an usher with whom I quietly negotiated to have me not sit in front like he motioned, but to have the available one right where we stood. He was graceful enough to oblige. The choir was about to lead a worship session.
To concentrate by lifting my hands in worship or keep catching short glances at the lady usher at the other end, my attention drifted for the first 5 minutes. Not today, I will not share God’s glory.
(Inserts "fix my eyes on you" by Theophilus Sunday)
Fast-forward to the offering and praise session, the lead singer decided to take us to his hometown in Ariaria, Abia state. The keyboard, drums and bass guitar followed beautifully as we danced and sang the igbo way. It was a communion service.
As customary after the sermon, we took the holy communion- a symbol of joint fellowship with Christ Jesus, remembering that we are of one body. The choir would go on to sing hymns while this goes on.
I couldn't help but marvel at how powerful a voice can come from this lead singer; a lady with such little statue. Size got nothing to do with this.
Did I mention that the sermon was on Discipleship?
Just another Sunday in the company of brethren.
How was your day at Church today?