December Daily...
A story was told of Albert Einstein and his driver. The science prodigy had had a very stressful week and was scheduled to give an inaugural speech at one of the prestigious universities he was invited for the first time. His body however needed to rejuvenate, it was clear to him that he'd have to cancel.
From the front mirror, Einstein's driver could see the distress in his master's face. And after enquiring what the matter is, he suggested "Sir, if I may... I am familiar with many of your lectures, and like this one can memorize it. Since they do not know what you really look like, none would be able to tell if it's you or not." His master welcomed the idea and after a few hours of preparation, he knew the driver was ready. They had swapped places.
As expected, the driver delivered Einstein's speech which was accompanied with an ovation. However, someone in the congregation with hands raised beckoned to be given audience, he had a question.
The speaker gave a nudge and listened to his question about quantum physics. Then in such spirited manner he said "this question is really simple. So simple infact I'd ask my driver to answer it". Referring to Einstein of course.
Everyday life gives us opportunities, literally everyday. We sharpen our minds so that when it present itself, we are just as ready. Friend, when you find a problem to which you can proffer solution, go for it.